Year 3
The Year 3 Team
Our Year 3 teachers are Mrs Johnson (3J) and Mrs Bowie (3B). The teaching assistants are Miss Singleton (3B), Miss Asghar (3J), Miss Markey and Mrs Naeem.
Mrs C. Bowie
3B Class Teacher
Mrs L. Johnson
3J Class Teacher
Miss J. Singleton
3B Teaching Assistant
Miss H. Asghar
3J Teaching Assistant
Miss R. Markey
Year 3 Teaching Assistant
Your child will receive maths and English homework each week. Homework will be handed out on Tuesday and will be due back in on the following Tuesday. It would be beneficial if you could discuss your child’s homework with them. To be able to complete their homework your child will need a pencil, black pen, ruler, rubber and either pencil crayons or felt tip pens. We would also like your child to practice on Numbots and Times Table Rockstars each week. These websites will help consolidate the learning that has taken place in school.
We would like your child to read frequently at home and discuss what they have read with an adult. Please fill in your child’s reading record with them each time they read and make sure they bring it to school each day. The book will be changed regularly. Your child also has access to Bug Club. This website allows children to read a range of books and answer questions about what they have, or simply read for pleasure. It's a wonderful resource and we are very keen for the children to use it frequently.
Our library day is Friday. The children are able to choose a new book each time they visit the library. It's wonderful to see how excited the are when selecting a new book to read. Please talk to them at home about their book choices so you can see the excitement for yourself!
Y3 Overview
Outdoor Elements (October 2024)
We visited Outdoor Elements as a year group. We spent all day outside in nature and had a wonderful time with our classmates. We took part in lots of fun activities and showed lots of resilience and determination.
3B Visit to Nelson Library (December 2024)
We have visited Nelson library to learn all about how to join the library and what they have on offer. We also took part in a fun treasure hunt in the library. We were really inspired to go back with our families. Please click the link below if you wish to join the library.
MADD Week (December 2024)
MADD stands for music, art, dance and drama! We had an amazing time during MADD week this year. We had a visit from an artist who helped us to improve our sketching skills, we performed Frosty the Snowman in front of the whole school, created still life inspired calendars and we made wooden Christmas decorations.
Book Breakfast (December 2024)
It was wonderful to welcome so many parents into school during MADD week to take part in a book breakfast. The children got to share their books with a grown up while their adult enjoyed a hot drink and some breakfast.
Both classes are taking part in the Schools Linking Project this year and for the first time since we started taking part in the project we have been paired with the same school. We have both been paired with another year 3 class from Lowerhouse Junior School in Burnley. The classes are called Elm and Willow.
We are very excited about getting to know the children and staff from our partner school. We will be focusing on the questions:
Who am I?
Who are we?
Where do we live?
In class we spent some time reflecting on the question 'who am I?'. We discussed the things that we have in common with each other as well as our differences. Each person then made a piece of bunting to show their name and the things they like and we sent them to our linking class as a way of introducing ourselves. We really enjoyed looking at the bunting sent back to us from Lowerhouse Junior School.
We love reading in Year 3!
We enjoy spending time in our reading areas in our classrooms and visiting our school library. We love discuss what we are reading with our friends and adults in school.