Year 3


The Year 3 Team

Our Year 3 teachers are Mrs Johnson (3J) and Mrs Bowie (3B). The teaching assistants are Miss Singleton (3B), Miss Asghar (3J) and Mrs Williams.

Mrs C. Bowie

Mrs C. Bowie

3B Class Teacher

Mrs L. Johnson

Mrs L. Johnson

3J Class Teacher

Miss J. Singleton

Miss J. Singleton

3B Teaching Assistant

Miss H. Asghar

Miss H. Asghar

3J Teaching Assistant

Mrs H. Williams

Year 3 Teaching Assistant


Your child will receive maths and English homework each week. Homework will be handed out on Thursdays and will be due back in on the following Wednesday. It would be beneficial if you could discuss your child’s homework with them. To be able to complete their homework your child will need a pencil, black pen, ruler, rubber and either pencil crayons or felt tip pens. We would also like your child to practice on Numbots and Times Table Rockstars each week.


We would like your child to read frequently at home and discuss what they have read with an adult.  Please fill in your child’s reading record with them each time they read and make sure they bring it to school each day. The book will be changed regularly. Your child also has access to Bug Club.  This website allows children to read a range of books and answer questions about what they have, or simply read for pleasure.   It's a wonderful resource and we are very keen for the children to use it frequently.   


Our library day is Friday.  The children are able to choose a new book each time they visit the library.  It's wonderful to see how excited the are when selecting a new book to read.  Please talk to them at home about their book choices so you can see the excitement for yourself!

Litter Picking - Great British Spring Clean

Every child in Year 3 has taken part in a litter picking session to support the eco-council's work during the Great British Spring Clean.  Everyone took part with a smile and made a real difference to our local area.  A local shop owner came out to thank us for our work!

International Women's Day

During their library session 3B celebrated International Women's Day.  It was wonderful to see so many amazing women represented in the books in our school library.

Swapna Haddow Zoom

3B were very lucky to take part in a Zoom session with Bad Panda author Swapna Haddow.  During the session Swapna even read the first chapter of the new Bad Panda book which is not being released until March!


Both classes got chance to experience the mobile planetarium called WonderDome.  It was amazing to sit inside the WonderDome and feel like we were transported to space.  We learnt some new facts and asked lots of interesting questions.

MADD Week 

We loved taking part in MADD week this year.  We learnt a song in 2 parts that we performed with confidence in front of an audience and we created amazing art work which was shown at our first ever art exhibition.

Local Area Walk

Both classes took part in a walk around our local area as part of our geography learning.  We were focusing on human and physical features that we could see.

3B Reading Café

3B have enjoyed spending an afternoon in a reading café!  We read books with our friends, shared some book recommendations and talked about visiting Nelson library.  We finished our session listening to Mrs Bowie read our class book.


Christianity Workshop


Year 3 took part in a Christianity workshop and learnt all about Advent and Christmas.



Hinduism Workshop


Year 3 enjoyed a Hinduism workshop where they learnt about Diwali.



Schools Linking Project


Both classes are taking part in the Schools Linking Project this year.  We have both been paired with another year 3 class in a local school and we are very excited about getting to know them this year.  We will be focusing on the questions - Who am I?  Who are we?  Where do we live?


December 2023 - 3B Special Delivery


3B have received a lovely delivery from our linking school.  They have sent us some beautiful bunting introducing all of the children in their class. 



January 2024 - 3J Special Delivery

Bunting has arrived!


February 2024 - 3B Video Call

We met our new friends on a video call.  We used sign language to say hello to each other and then we played some fun games together to help us get to know one another.  One of our games was a drawing game, but you had to have your whiteboard on your head!  We had lots of fun and we can't wait to meet the children from Christ Church School next month.


March 2024 - 3B Curiosity Questions

We prepared some questions to take to our first meeting with our new friends.  They were called curiosity questions.  They are a way for us to find out more about our new friends and see our similarities and differences.  It was lots of fun thinking of these questions as we played human bingo to help us think of interesting ideas and we learnt different question words in sign language to help us to communicate with each other.  We will trade questions when we meet up with Christ Church School at Burnley Youth Theatre.


March 2024 - 3B Face to Face Meeting

We met our friends for the first time face to face at Burnley Youth Theatre.  We took part in a fun day of drama activities in mixed groups with the children from Christ Church School.  We had lots of opportunities to get to know each other and then we performed together on the stage to complete the day.  It was lots of fun and we can't wait to meet up again!  



We love reading in Year 3!  We enjoy spending time in our reading areas in our classrooms and we love discuss what we are reading with our friends and adults in school.


What have we read so far this year?

Reading Café

We enjoy taking part in reading cafes in school.  They are an opportunity to read for a longer amount of time, share books with our friends, listen to book recommendations and listen to our teacher read.