Welcome to Bradley Primary School Foundation Stage
Foundation staff
Mrs C. Dowell
EYFS Lead & Teacher RD
Miss N. Lowe
Teacher RL
Mrs S. Douglas
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Green Group Key Person
Mrs T. Begum
Higher Level Teaching Assistant
Yellow Group Key Person
Mrs T. Parveen
Teaching Assistant
Blue Group Key Person
Miss M. Clapham
Teaching Assistant
Red Group Key Person
Miss T. Raine
Apprentice Teaching Assistant
Miss K. Hodson
Apprentice Teaching Assistant
We are always at the gate each morning and at the end of the day if you would like to speak to us. You can also contact us using the Class Dojo messaging service.
For new starters, please contact the school office with any queries and we will get back to you as soon as possible. Thank you!
Our indoor and outdoor continuous provision areas are places where the children have lots of opportunities to learn through play. The enhancements in the areas are regularly updated to reflect the current interests of the children and the topics being taught.
EYFS Policy
EYFS Curriculum Overview
EYFS Early Learning Goals (ELGs)
We performed our nativity Away in a Manger at the beginning of December. We enjoyed learning all the songs and everyone worked really hard to make the play a success!
Hallowe'en and Bonfire Night
We have had a busy start to the new half term! We learnt about Hallowe'en and Bonfire Night. We dressed up and watched Mrs Douglas write her name with a sparkler!
Outdoor Elements
We had such a good time when we visited Outdoor Elements. We enjoyed walking through the woods, building dens, stream dipping and bug hunting. The sun was even shining, too!
MADD (Music, Art, Dance & Drama) Week
This term, we learnt about the artist Mackenzie Thorpe. We shared our learning with the rest of the school during our MADD week presentation. We also recreated one of his pieces for our calendars. We learnt about Christmas carols and sang Away in a Manger in the show. Please have a look at the slides below to see all the fun we had!
We really enjoyed performing our Nativity play. The children worked so hard to remember all the songs, actions and words. They were amazing!
Wildwood Days
Wildwood Days Forest School came to visit us. We enjoyed toasting marshmallows, making clay faces, sawing and decorating wood pieces, identifying leaves, using natural materials in 3d art activities and much more!
Look at these photos to see some of the things we have been learning.
Please click / touch each photo to read the captions.
Winter Walk to Victoria Park
We walked to Victoria Park to see what is happening in the world around us during winter. We compared it to what we saw in autumn. We noticed that lots of the trees are now bare and the leaves on the ground are soft and soggy. The children noticed the nests in the trees and explained that these are the habitats for the birds. The trees are also habitats for the squirrels. They came to say hello before climbing up the trees! The children also explained that we wouldn't see any hedgehogs as most of them hibernate during the winter months.
Sneezy the Snowman
This half term, we have learnt lots about freezing and melting.
The story Sneezy the Snowman helped us to think more about melting. We loved it so much that we learnt to retell it in our own words. We hope you like it too!
Spring Walk
We went on another walk to Victoria Park to observe what is happening at different times of the year. This time we were looking for signs of spring. We saw lots of buds, leaves and blossom on the trees and more flowers were growing. The park definitely looked much greener and more colourful than it did in the winter!
On our way back to school, the kind people at Slaters Ice Cream shop gave us all a free ice cream. It was really yummy!
People Who Help Us in Our Local Area
We have been learning about the jobs that people do in our local area. We have also been thinking about jobs that we could do when we grow up. We have big ambitions - everything from scientists, vets and hairdressers, to astronauts, mechanics and firefighters!
A firefighter came to visit us and we thought of lots of questions to ask him about his work. He brought his firefighter kit to show us and we tried on his helmet. It was quite heavy!
Outdoor Learning
We love learning outside, and we are even more excited now that we have our new outdoor learning area.