Year 2 yearly overview

Welcome to Year Two

In Year Two there are two classes

2L with Mrs Lord (Class teacher), Mrs Wiseman (TA)

2H with Mrs Hills (Class Teacher), Mrs Latif (TA)

Mrs Williams supports across both classes.


School day

The school day starts at 8:45am and finishes at 3:15pm.  The children will need to be at the gate a few minutes beforehand. Children will use the main gate at the front of school. A member of staff will open this at 8:40. 



Homework is given out on a Friday and must be completed by the following Friday. Children will receive spellings based on the sounds they have learnt during the week's phonics and may also receive maths or English homework. Children need to read their reading book every night. 



Our Spelling test will be on a Friday, all spellings are given out the previous Friday.


Reading books

We change our reading books on a Monday, Wednesday and Friday, where possible.



Our PE day is a Wednesday. Please ensure all children are in school PE Kit and are not wearing jewellery, including earrings.



Our Library day is a Tuesday.

Year 2 Team

Mrs Hills

Mrs Hills

2H Class Teacher

Mrs Latif

Mrs Latif


Mrs Wiseman

Mrs Wiseman


Mrs Williams

Year 2 TA


In RE Year 2 have been learning about Christianity and how Christians believe that Jesus is the light of the world. We made Christingles which Christians make at Christmas time.


Animal Visit

In science we have been learning all about animals. We had a visit from some minibeasts which were very interesting to look at. We even got to hold some!



During our textiles topic we have been learning to sew and have made these beautiful fabric faces. Take a look at our amazing work.


MADD week

In the last week of Autumn term we celebrated MADD week. This stands for music, art, dance and drama. We have been learning the song Jingle Bells to perform in assembly and have made a dance routine for this. We created some calendars based on our previous art work where we studied L. S. Lowry and made some decorations using natural materials. We've had an absolute blast!