School Uniform
At Bradley Primary we are very proud of our school uniform and feel that it promotes a sense of belonging in our children. Please make sure that all uniform is named, including school coats, as items of uniform can get lost very easily. Uniform can be purchased from any shop or supermarket, but if you would like sweatshirts and T-shirts with a school logo, or the school tartan skirts and pinafores, these are available from local stockists. Children should wear black school shoes and not trainers. On PE days, children come to school in their PE kit - a plain white T-shirt, black shorts or leggings (joggers in winter) and black trainers, Girls must have their hair tied up.
Children must not wear jewellery, make-up or nail varnish and haircuts should be sensible.
If any parents are struggling to buy uniform, we have a small stock of donated uniform in school that we can help you with. Please ask Mrs Ishfaq.
Uniform List
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