Bradley Sports

At Bradley Primary School we encourage all children to participate in a variety of sporting activities at a level which suits them. We offer a wide range of clubs and competitions at a variety of levels as well as access to other sporting activities such as taster sessions and visits. Please view the various sections for more information.


At Bradley, we enjoy entering a wide range of competitions at varying levels in order to give as many children as possible the opportunity to represent the school at something they enjoy or excel at. We take part in events such as;

  • Athletics

  • Boccia

  • Kurling

  • Multi-skills

  • Netball

  • Football

  • Cricket

  • Rugby

  • Tri-golf

  • Rounders 

We will keep you updated with our achievements at these competitions via the school's facebook page.


Each year, chosen children from Year 5 and 6 take part in bikeabilty with Go Velo, where both non-riders and riders are given the opportunity to train with experienced coaches to ride safely on the roads. Children receive either a level 1 or level 2 certificate of achievement.

EYFS (Reception) now has the equipment to begin bikeability at an early age at Bradley.

Climbing Wall at Pendle Vale

Many of our children from Year 5 and 6 are given the opportunity to climb at Pendle Vale throughout the year. This is usually as reward for hard work and commitment or simply to encourage our children to try something new!


Year 4 children complete their swimming lessons at Pendle Wave lengths. They work hard to achieve certificates to show their progress throughout the year. 

Sports day

Each year, during the Summer term, we hold our annual Bradley Primary School sports day. This is a day where all children are celebrated for their sporting abilities and take part in a range of activities. Keep your eyes peeled for news on our school's facebook page. 

Outdoor and Adventurous Activities

Bradley has chosen to spend some of our Sports Premium money on every year group to enable them to experience outdoor and adventurous education at many different centres, including Outdoor Elements, High Adventure and Forest School - in addition to the Year 6 residential at Robinwood.  These days have proved to have been an absolutely amazing and memorable experience for every year group.

Kurling at the Leisure Box

A group of Year 5 children represented our school at the Kurling competition at the Leisure Box, Brierfield.  One of the children (Zayn) described his experience:

My team was called the ‘Champion Squad’ and I was the captain.  There were 5 different stations, three had a bullseye mat in the middle.  Our aim was to get the Kurling stone into the centre of the mat.  One of the stations had cones and we had to get the stone through the cones without knocking them over. 

Our team came third.  We had an amazing day and I really enjoyed the activity.


Multi Skills


A group of Year 3 children represented our school at a Multi skills event.  This is what they thought:


We played different games.  I liked the dodgeball game the best.  We played an ice cream cone game and it was fun.  Falak

I enjoyed the ice cream cones.  We played corn flip, we had to hit the ball, kick it to Mr Grimes and throw the beanbag in to the bucket.  Khadijah

My favourite game was dodgeball.  Rehaan

I liked the cone flip game and I would like to play it again.  Alisha


Year 6 UV Dodgeball


Arriving at Pendle Vale, we saw lots of other schools we would be competing against.  We went inside and I was excited that we would be playing in the dark.  We put on our special shirts and the lights turned off.  We waited until the horn was blown and then began to play.  I really enjoyed the competition and would love to go again.

Destiny, 6Q


To build our cultural capital and provide life experiences to enhance children’s learning and create aspirations, we strive to engage with initiatives that work towards the same goals. Working with the Sports Partnership has given our girls the chance to get involved in creating a special girls group called the “Super G” club, designed to explore lots of different sports. Our Year 5 and 6 girls have also been involved in coaching younger children and refereeing matches. To give them a well-rounded experience, they attended the WSL Manchester Derby at the Etihad Stadium. They had an incredible time and many of them were inspired by the incredible women they watched on the pitch.