At Bradley we have a bespoke curriculum that is based around the National Curriculum but is tailored to the needs of our children. Much thought and planning is put into enhancing our children's learning with visits, after-school clubs, visitors, music opportunities and sports. We are extremely fortunate to have 2 school minibuses which allow us to take the children to a wide range of venues and events. During the year we provide the children with exciting opportunities to explore and develop valuable skill and knowledge that they can take with them throughout their lives. This enrichment also allows our children to develop their confidence,  sense of worth and self-esteem.

After-school clubs are offered throughout the year and are fully subsidised by school funds in most cases. Our school minibuses allow us to provide lots of visits and experiences at a much reduced cost as the cost of transport is mostly funded by school funds.

Children are offered a wide range of clubs on a first-come first-served basis each half term. If children accept the place, they must attend every week.

Over the past year we have offered football, cricket, netball, golf, karate, MMA, dodgeball, dance, art, baking, reading, homework, library, parent library, yoga and wellbeing, choir, keyboards, digital leaders, eco, school council and sports council.

Photographs of clubs, visits and visitors can be found on our school Facebook page.